How Often Should You Workout?
One of the most common questions I receive from new athletes is “How often should I workout?”. My response is always the same “Depends on your individual goals, experience and recovery. How often you should workout is an individual thing and can even change from month to month depending on what you have going on. […]
Ani Monroe
Athlete of the MonthApril How old / young are you? 24 years old What is your occupation? I am an EMT at Longmont United Hospital ER, a CrossFit coach, and a full-time nursing student, as well as a ski racing coach during the winter. When did you join Widespread Fitness? June 2017 Why did you decide to give Widespread Fitness a try? I came back from college […]
JB Peters
Athlete of the MonthMarch How old / young are you? Forty-nine What is your occupation? I’m an Investigator with the Division of Real Estate for the State of Colorado. When did you join Widespread Fitness? February 2018 Why did you decide to give Widespread Fitness a try? My oncologist was a big CrossFit guy. After I’d gained some weight and my […]
Group Fitness Workouts
The main goal for most, if not all, of our athletes, is all around health and fitness. This means being strong and fit at the same time. It means being able to lift heavy things around the house and running around the block without stopping. Our group workouts are structured with this #1 goal in mind. Most […]
Heather Jackson
Athlete of the MonthFebruary How old / young are you? 52 What is your occupation? I’m a pastor at Flatirons Community Church, Lafayette Campus. When did you join Widespread Fitness? March 2020 Why did you decide to give Widespread Fitness a try? My husband loves it, and I love him, so I gave it a try. What was your athletic background before […]
Is Your Workout Routine Supporting Your Goals?
All of us joined the gym for different reasons. Maybe it was coming off a doctors appointment with some news of borderline high blood pressure. Maybe it was being winded when we climbed the stairs. Maybe it was finally time to start putting ourselves first instead of everyone else. For most of us, it was […]
Travis Henry
Athlete of the MonthJanuary How old / young are you? 47 What is your occupation? Recovering Journalist & Digital Marketing/SEO Consultant When did you join Widespread Fitness? October 2019 Why did you decide to give Widespread Fitness a try? It seems all my favorite neighbors and even friends from outside the neighborhood belong to Widespread. One of these neighbors, Brad Lingbeck, hounded […]
Is A Personal Trainer Right For You?
Are you one that sets healthy goals and by the end of January you find yourself saying “I will get started tomorrow.” “I will find the time in two days, what is one more day of rest.” With each excuse, you are slipping away from YOUR goals? If you are just starting out with an […]
Group Fitness
Group Fitness is just one option we offer our members. Our group classes are 60-minutes in length. During that time we are moving from start to finish. Each class is the broken down into 3 sections: Warm-up, Strength, and Conditioning (what we can a metcon). The coach leads the class though each section make sure […]
Trust Your Coach
I’ve been nursing a sore shoulder for what feels like months now. It has been so long I don’t recall what it feels like to sleep on my left side without discomfort. I’ve done all the responsible things: I’ve been to PT to verify it’s not a major injury; I’m rolling and stretching; I’m modifying […]