Find Your People
I recently enjoyed a long run on a beautiful mountain trail and reflected on how restored I felt afterward. There is just something about crisp mountain air, the sound of crunching dirt and rocks, and labored breathing that makes me feel ‘connected’ in ways Wifi can’t deliver. Solo efforts we pursue on foot, bike, water, […]
Team Sport
To most, the sport of road cycling looks like an individual sport. They see one rider working their butt off (literally) to beat everyone else to the finish line. But talk with any true cyclist and they will certainly tell you different. Professional Road Cycling is a team sport. To be successful you have to have a […]
Building Your Aerobic Engine
Is Wednesday your normal rest day? Did you know that it is possibly one of the most important days for you to come into the gym!! I know you just started telling yourself, but we bike, run, row, jump rope on those days or maybe you’re telling yourself, “But those are longer cardio workouts and […]
Exercise and Immunity
We all know that exercise is good for our health. We read it on every magazine cover and see it on every commercial. There are a million new workout programs and home gym systems that claim to give you the next best thing in exercise. But the question I have for you is have you […]
Fitness Through Pregnancy
First I want to say this is my first child, so my experience with fitness through pregnancy is obviously very limited. I would also like to say I am NOT a medical professional. Obviously, every woman and every pregnancy is very different and what I talk about in this blog might not work for someone […]
Make Yourself A Priority
Which one of these have you said to yourself in the last 6-months, year, or since having kiddos? I’m too old to get started? I don’t have enough time in the day to sneak in 30 to 60 minutes of exercise. I’m too out of shape to walk into the gym. I’m too tired after […]
Difference Between Globo and Boutique Gyms
It is clear that the fitness industry is changing and what we offer, as a boutique style gym, is very different from that of a larger “globo” style gym. We are breaking down a few differences for you! ACCOUNTABILITY Now, in our opinion, this is one of the biggest factors in your success. Having a […]
Not Fit Enough
“Im not fit enough.” “I need to get in shape before I can join your gym.” If you do a quick internet search for CrossFit you will see some of the fittest athletes in the world. Men and women that look like they should be (and probably are) on the cover for a fitness magazine and […]
Making Time
I don’t have enough time. I’m too busy. I’m exhausted. How will I add one more thing to my schedule? I’m not a morning person. I’m not a night person. That person is super human. Does this sound like anyone you know? All of these were the statements I use to tell myself. Many of […]
Becoming Better, In Quarantine and In Life
So you may be working from home in your pajamas, or maybe your job has even been affected by the global pandemic (and you’re still in your pajamas) everyday. Let’s talk about why you need to set some standards for you and your household if you want to come out of this pandemic better than […]