Family Fitness Fun
Becoming a parent can sometimes feel like you have no time to take care of yourself. Little to no time to get to the gym. Being a mom of four kiddos, I found myself in this situation. Everyone and everything came first. I recently found myself falling in love with a new fitness journey and […]
How To Stay Motivated While Working Out At Home
Right now, working out at home is our reality (at least for the next little bit). We have all probably discovered by now that working out at home IS TOUGH! It’s tough to get motivated, it’s tough to STAY motivated throughout your workout and it’s tough to stay engaged without the community/friendly competition aspect that […]
3 Reasons why you should NOT stress about the gym being closed
So the gym is closed and you don’t have weights. Most of us can’t do our normal routine and may be getting frustrated or stressed that our progress will come to a halt. If you’re stressed because you don’t want your training to go to waste but you also can’t do anything about your current […]
Tips to Boost Your Immune System
Global pandemic or not, as flus and viruses surface in the world it’s important to know how your daily practices impact your health. Especially when you’re someone who challenges your immune system on a daily basis in your daily training. So let’s chat about some ways to boost our immune system both now and in […]
The Best Exercise You’re probably Not Doing for Your Elbow Health
Still have that nagging elbow pain that won’t go away? It can prevent you from even picking up your coffee cup if it is really aggravated and will keep you out of the gym for days at a time. This type of pain often occurs as inflammation due to overuse of the forearm muscles. THe […]
Choose an Environment that Supports You
The environment you place yourself in is arguably the most important decision you can make at any given moment. The actions the environment supports will shape your life and the decisions that you make. Sounds like a big statement but let’s think about it for a minute. Compare a few different potential options of environments […]
What’s In The Bag?
I recall when I first started group classes, I showed up with my nerves (lots of them), keys, and water bottle, filled with just that water. Months after getting more comfortable with classes, movements, and not feeling like I stuck out like a sore thumb, I started noticing that some athletes brought their own bags […]
Good Days and Not So Good Days
We have all had not so good days in the gym. These days seem to happen even when we are doing all of the “right” things, (ie adequate rest and proper nutrition). The key to success (and consistency) is recognizing that bad days do happen but you have gotten through them and come out stronger […]
Widespread CrossFit – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard Warm-up Warm-up (No Measure) AMRAP x 8 Minutes 5 Box Step-ups Each Leg 5 Box Jump 5 Kettlebell Swings 5 Bent Over Rows 5 Power Clean 5 Push Press 5 Power Snatch 10 Hanging Knee Raises Metcon Metcon (Time) 30 Calorie Row 30 Power Snatch (115, 75) 30 […]
Widespread CrossFit – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard Warm-up Warm-up (No Measure) 3 Rounds 10 Active Straight Leg Raises Each 10 One Leg Glute Bridges Each 10 Banded Good Mornings 10 Sumo Deadlifts Weightlifting Sumo Deadlift (Work Up To Heavy 3 Reps) In 15 minutes or 8-10 sets build to a heavy triple or 3RM. Shot […]