You Are Your Harshest Critic
Many times we are our harshest critics. We beat ourselves up for all the small things we could have done better. We beat ourselves up when the results are less than expected….usually expectations we set for ourselves. We can completely lose sight of appreciating that we are able to do what we enjoy and get […]
Don’t Let The Cold Hold You Back
Confession: Last week I ditched working out seven days in a row. Why? It was cold out, it was dark and I was visiting family. So many of us struggle when the weather gets cold outside, but honestly, it’s during these times that we need to stick to our routine. Don’t worry this is a […]
Why Your Coaches Are Always Telling You To Scale Down The Weight and Go Faster
Have you ever wondered why so many coaches sound like a broken record when explaining the metcon? You might hear a lot of, “go lighter, go faster”. This is intentional. As coaches, we want you to get the desired stimulus of the workout (and subsequent benefits). While the strength portions are programmed for athletes to […]
Consistency But Not Too Much
We preach consistency a lot in the gym because we feel it should be the foundation of everyone’s fitness journey, no matter if you are just starting out or have been on this path for years. It is proven that if you are hitting workouts, sticking to a nutrition plan and/or taking care of your body on a regular basis […]
Will My Fitness Suffer If I Take Time Off?
You have busted your ass in the gym for months. You are seeing muscles that you didn’t know existed. You are able to fit in your “pre-baby” jeans. You are able to chase down your kids without getting out of breath. Then BAM…..your job has you sitting more in a plane seat, you throw out your […]
Gaining Muscle Is Possible For Women Over 40
You’re never too old to get stronger and challenge your body to learn new things. Unfortunately, intimidation and skewed perspectives create barriers for women who want to try and gain muscle as they age. For many of us the forties are a time of many changes, and this is especially true for women. Their metabolisms […]
Mastering The Basics
We all wanted to be the cool kid back in middle school. The kid who could do it all and made it look effortless. Well just like back in the day, we all want to be “cool” and do “cool” movements like Muscle-ups or Handstand Push-ups in workouts. Unfortunately this could get you in trouble, just like it […]
Shut Up and Sign Up
We’ve all been there. Perhaps you took a nice vacation and chose to let your body rest and recover….SMART! Maybe you’ve been slammed with work and family obligations and de-prioritized exercise. Or you could be out of your rhythm, and can’t quite break the cycle. Regardless, the result is always the same; weeks have gone by, […]
How Often Should You Workout?
One of the most common questions I receive from new athletes is “How often should I workout?”. My response is always the same “Depends on your individual goals, experience and recovery. How often you should workout is an individual thing and can even change from month to month depending on what you have going on. […]
Group Fitness Workouts
The main goal for most, if not all, of our athletes, is all around health and fitness. This means being strong and fit at the same time. It means being able to lift heavy things around the house and running around the block without stopping. Our group workouts are structured with this #1 goal in mind. Most […]