Athlete of the MonthJuly

How old / young are you? I am 41 years old. What is your occupation? I am a full time mom of two boys. When did you join Widespread Fitness? Sep 2020 Why did you decide to give Widespread Fitness a try? To keep myself fit What was your athletic background before starting? I have been doing Yoga since childhood What changes in your health, physique, and overall performance have you seen since starting? I have attained muscular growth and higher energy levels since I started What advice would you give to someone with regards to starting? Be committed to the training regimen and it will be all worth it. You will start to see noticeable differences in your overall physical and mental well being in a few months. What is your favorite and least favorite exercises / movement? Kettlebell Swings is my most favorite and Jump Squats is my least favorite exercise What is your most memorable moment so far? Participating in CrossFit open tournament What do you like to do outside of the gym? I like to go hiking and biking with my family What is your favorite “cheat” food or meal? Indian fried snacks What is something people would be surprised to know about you? I am a very lazy person at heart Who or what inspires you the most? My dad who at the age of 71 still exercises everyday for over an hour and is more active than my 10 year old What is one goal you would like to accomplish? Double Unders and Rope Climbs