Widespread CrossFit – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
200m Row
20 Walking Lunges
10 Abmat Situps
5 Burpee
20 Box Toe Touches
5 Burpees
10 Abmat Situps
20 Walking Lunges
200m Row
Metcon (Time)
800m Row
30 Box Jumps Over (24, 20)
60 Abmat Situps
30 Burpees
Rest 2:00
600m Row
20 Box Jump Overs
40 Abmat Situps
20 Burpees
Rest 2:00
400m Row
10 Box Jump Overs
20 Abmat Situps
10 Burpees
This should be around 70-75% of max effort. Pick a pace that is challenging but sustainable. 30 minute time cap.
Metcon (No Measure)
3 Rounds
10 One Arm DB Rows Each
15 Banded Pull Throughs
60 Sec Weighted Elbow Plank
Using 10-25lb plate on lower back area