Widespread CrossFit – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
3 Rounds
100m Run
5 Muscle Clean
5 Push Press
3 Power Clean
3 Jerks
5 One Leg Glute Hip Raises Each
5 Clamshells Each
Box Front Squats (15 Minutes to Work To Heavy 3 Reps)
Normal squat stance. Use 12 inch box. Sit back on box (one-one thousand), not touch and go.
Timebomb (AMRAP – Reps)
In 12 minutes complete
50 Wallballs (20, 14)
40 Burpees Over Bar
30 Deadlifts (255, 165)
With remaining time max wallballs
DL weight should be challenging but doable in set of 6-10 reps. Score is number of wallballs completed.