Widespread CrossFit – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
2 Rounds
High Knees
Medball Broad Jumps
10 Banded Good Mornings
Then with Barbell
7 Romanian Deadlifts
7 Muscle Cleans
7 Front Squats
7 Push Press
5 Deadlifts
5 Power Cleans
5 Front Squats
5 Push Jerks
Power Clean (15 Minutes To Work Up To 1RM or Heavy Single)
Take 8-10 sets building to 1RM. Rest 60-90 seconds between sets.
Have fun but be safe.
Form over load, always.
We will use this 1RM for percentage work over next couple weeks.
Uncle Buck (AMRAP – Rounds)
EMOM x 3 Minutes
3 Power Cleans (135, 95)
3 Front Squats (135, 95)
3 S20H (135, 95)
EMOM x 3 Minutes
3 Power Cleans (155, 105)
3 Front Squats (155, 105)
3 S20H (155, 105)
EMOM x 3 Minutes
3 Power Clean (185, 125)
3 Front Squat (185, 125)
3 S20H (185, 125)
Weight scale options:
L3: (115, 75) (135, 95) (155, 105)
L2: (95, 65) (115, 75) (135, 95)
L1: (75, 55) (95, 65) (115, 75)
Have your weights ready to go before we start the clock. You will be performing 3 sets with each weight with ascending weight. The intent here is to work on being efficient with the barbell. The challenge will be holding on for all reps without dropping. You should have roughly 40s of rest after each set. the weight should be challenging but doable.
We will take 60 seconds rest between EMOMs.