Widespread CrossFit – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
2 Rounds
5 DB Hang Snatch Each
10 Hollow Rocks
5 DB Push Press Each
10 DB Goblet Squats
5 DB Bent Over Rows Each
10 Walking Lunges
2 Minutes Jump Rope
Handstand Push-ups (6 Sets)
Today (and next week) we are specifically focusing on Open WOD gymnastic skills. This session should be 100% skill development and not tear you up. Set should be challenging but consistent throughout. 60 seconds rest between sets. HSPU scale: (abmat HSPU)(2-3 wallwalks)(DB shoulder press)
Metcon (Time)
Teams of 2
250 Double Unders
200 Walking Lunges (BW)
150 Abmat Sit-ups
100 Alt. DB Snatches (50, 35)
75 Toes-2-Bar
50 DB Thrusters (50, 35)
Partner up today and come up with a strategy to go through this work in the shortest possible time. Effort should be around 80%. One partner works at a time. DU scale: (400 Singles for team) Each snatch equals one rep. 25 minute time cap.