Widespread CrossFit – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
PVC Game
*Every time PVC Drops
1st Drop: 5 Walking Lunges
2nd Drop: 5 Half Burpees
3rd Drop: 5 Hollow Rocks
4th Drop: 5 PVC Thrusters
Metcon (Time)
Teams of 2
80 Curtis P’s (95, 65)
2 Mile Sandbag Run
1 Curtis P = PC+ LL + RL + PP. One partner works at a time. Breaking sets into singles where you complete 1 rep and your partner completes one rep will likely be the best course of action. Curtis Ps should be light today. Also, small running intervals is recommended, likely 200m intervals, but the choice is yours how you break up the running. Athletes pick sandbag weight. 30 minute time cap.