Widespread CrossFit – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
“Abmat Pizza Game”
3 Minutes
2 burpee penalty
2 Rounds
10 Air Squats
10 Hollow Rocks
10 Walking Lunges
10 Supermans
Metcon (No Measure)
With a running clock:
From 0:00-7:00
30 Double Unders
15 Abmat Sit-ups
15 KB Swings (35, 26)
From 10:00-17:00
250m Row
15 Burpees-2-Target
10 Air Squats
14 minute constant movement and aerobic effort. Focus on keeping HR down and breathing under control.
Metcon (No Measure)
EMOM x 12 Minutes
Min 1: 30 Sec Farmers Carry (AHAP)
Min 2: 30 Sec Wall Press Heel Taps
Min 3: 30 Sec Romanian Deadlifts
FC should be as heavy as possible. RDL weight should be light.
5 Minutes Soft Tissue Work: Foam Rollers and/or Lacrosse Balls