Widespread CrossFit – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
3 Rounds
10 Sumo Stance Deadlifts
5 Front Squats
10 Back Rack Reverse Lunges
5 Wide Stance Back Squats
Box Squats (3 Reps Every 60 Seconds For 6 Rounds)
Third and final week of our percentage work with this movement. Box squat weight should be at 60-70% of your 1RM or 5% heavier than last week. Stance should be wide (outside shoulder width) and all sets should be fast and explosive. Box height should be parallel.
Metcon (Weight)
Every 4 Minutes For 5 Rounds
5 High Box Jumps (30, 24)
100ft KB Farmer Carries (70, 53)
10 Back Rack Reverse Lunges (185, 125)
Today’s metcon is a mix of explosive work, unilateral, and core work. This should be more of a quality over quantity piece – go with a challenging height for box jumps – these should be done for explosiveness, not cycle rate, a heavyweight for your lunges and as heavy as possible with the Farmer Carry. Lunges will go from rack. Class will be split into 2 heats. Score today is the weight used for lunges.