Widespread CrossFit – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
2 Rounds
100 Meter Run
10 Ring Rows
5 Shoulder Presses
5 Push Presses
3 Burpees
3 Box Jumps
3 Burpee Box Jumps
Rope Climb (5 Sets of 1-2 Reps)
Today our strength work consists of upper-body pulling and pushing work with some higher-skill movements. Make sure you choose the option that best aligns with your ability. Alternate between rope climbs and dips. Take 30-45 seconds rest between movements.
RX (legless rope climbs) RX+ (L-sit rope climbs) Scale option (1-2 rope climbs w/ feet)(3 rope pulls)(10 Ring Curls)
Dips (5 Sets of 8-10 Reps)
RX (strict ring dips) RX+ (1-3 strict muscle ups) Scale option (bar/box dips)
Nutshell (Time)
25 Burpee Box Jumps (24, 20)
50 Shoulder-2-Overhead (135, 95)
25 Burpee Box Jumps
This metcon will challenge your pacing ability. Todays workout is more of a controlled/steady pace than yesterday. Weight for S2OH should be light enough to do sets of 8-10 reps. 14 minute time cap.
L3: (115, 75)
L2: (95, 65)
L1: (65, 45)
Metcon (No Measure)
3 Rounds
10 Lateral Raises
10 Front Raises
10 90 Degree Rotations
Use 2.5lb or 5lb plates, nothing heavier. Take 60 seconds rest between rounds.