Widespread CrossFit – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
With a partner
200m Medball Run
20 Medball Russian Twists
20 Partner Wallballs
20 Medball Chest Passes
200m Medball Run
Metcon (Weight)
With Parnter
4 Rounds
50m Sled Drags
1 Min Rest
50ft Bottoms-up KB Carry
1 Min Rest
One partner will start on sled, other on carry. Sled drag is 25m out 25m back. Weight should be heavy but not enough that you will have to stop. KB carry is 25ft down & 25ft back gym floor. Scale KB weight as needed.
Metcon (Time)
4 Rounds
50 Double Unders
25 Air Squats
12 Burpees
Double Under Scales: (25 DUs + 25 Singles) (100 Singles)
12 Minute Cut-off
5 Mins of foam roller and lacrosse ball: focusing on IT bands, thoracic spine, lats and adductors