Widespread CrossFit – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
With Partner
800m Row
Then Each Partner Completes
8 DB Push Press
8 DB Front Squat
8 DB Alt. Walking Lunges
8 DB Alt. Snatches
8 DB Renegade Rows
Switch every 100m row. One partner does movement, while other holds plank on elbows then switches.
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
AMRAP x 4 Minutes
DB Power Clean + Front Squat (50, 35)
Rest 2:00
AMRAP x 4 Minutes
Alternating DB Snatches (50, 35)
Rest 2:00
AMRAP x 4 Minutes
Front Rack DB Walking Lunges (50, 35)
Rest 2:00
AMRAP x 4 Minutes
Renegade Rows + Push-up (50, 35)
DB weight should be moderately challenging (same weight or similar to what used in open workouts). Try to work consistently for the entire 4:00 as these AMRAPs will go fast. Score is total reps complete.
Metcon (No Measure)
100 Banded Pull-aparts
75 Banded Pushdowns
50 Hollow Rocks
Pull Aparts: 50 overhead 50 front