Widespread CrossFit – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
3 Rounds
20 Sec On, 10 Sec Off
Sumo Squats
Glute Bridges
Then With Barbell
2 Sets
5 Sumo Deadlifts
5 Deadlifts
5 Muscle Clean
5 Front Squat
Deadlift (3 Reps Every 90 Seconds For 6 Rounds)
Explosive touch-n-go reps. Weight @ 75%. Keep same weight for all sets. Superset with 3 seated box jumps.
Tunnel Vision (Time)
4 Rounds
21 Wallballs (20, 14)
15 Lateral Burpees
9 Hang Power Cleans (135, 95)
Pace yourself from start.
Break up wallballs from the start into two sets to manage fatigue. HPC should be challenging but capable of being done UB.