Widespread CrossFit – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
2 Minutes Each
Jump Rope
2 Rounds
10 Alt. DB Hang Power Snatches
10 One Arm DB Bent Over Rows Each Side
10 Hollow Rocks
Metcon (No Measure)
EMOM x 30 Minutes
Minute 1: 40 Sec Row
Minute 2: 40 Sec Alt. DB Hang Power Snatch (50, 35)
Minute 3: 40 Sec Barbell Bent Over Rows (95, 65)
Minute 4: 40 Sec Mountain Climbers
Minute 5: 40 Sec Hollow Rocks
Work Capacity Wednesday! Today’s metcon is intended to be done at an easy to moderate pace This type aerobic work done every once in a while will improve your performance, recovery, quality of life, and keep stress levels at bay, which is your foundation of health! Weight should be light, so you can move for close to 40 seconds.