Widespread CrossFit – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
200 Meter Run with light wall ball
General Dynamic Warm-up (No Measure)
Knee Hugs
Quad Stretch
Marching Toe Touches
Inside Ankle Taps
Outside Ankle Taps
High Knees
Butt Kickers
High Skips
Jumping Jack Shuffle
Elbow-2-Ankle Lunge + Reach
Metcon (Distance)
Teams of 2
AMRAP X 40 Minutes
0:00 – 15:00
200 Meter Sandbag Carries (75,50)
15:00 – 30:00
60 Meter Sled Push (45, 25)
30:00 – 40:00
Rowing – Max Meters
Today’s workout should be fun, but will still be challenging from head to toe as it encompasses GPP, aerobic and recovery work. Each partner will complete a sandbag run and sled push before switching. Talk to your partner and come up with how want to break up rowing. Score will be how much distance was achieved with carries and sled pushes. Will only be counting completed rounds.