Widespread CrossFit – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
3 Rounds
200m Run
7 Burpees
200m Row
Metcon (No Measure)
Teams of 2
AMRAP x 15 Minutes (6-7 Rds Each)
60m Sled Pull (Forward)
AMRAP x 12 Minutes (4-5 Rd Each)
60m Sled Drag (Backward)
AMRAP x 5 Minutes (5-6 Rds Each)
100ft Front Rack Double KB Carry
AMRAP x 3 Minutes (2-3 Rds Each
25ft Handstand Walk
Today’s workout is a mix between GPP and gymnastics. Overall, this work will challenge you, but should be fun and leave you feeling good after. Go heavy with your sled work. 60m is to fire hydrate and back. The sled pull is walking forward, while the drag is walking backwards. Athletes pick weight. Make sure you keep your elbows in front/ribs down with Front Rack Carries.Scale option: HS Walk (30s hold per walk)(40 shoulder taps per walk). 35 minutes to complete as much as possible.
Metcon (No Measure)
Wall Sit Challenge
Knees should be a 90 degrees and hands on head.
Plus “coach says” or weight if needed.