Widespread CrossFit – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
10 Calorie Row
10 One Leg Glute Hip Raises Each
10 Sumo Squats
10 Calorie Row
10 Clam Shells Each
10 Reverse Lunges Each
10 Calorie Row
Thruster (15 Minutes Tp Work Up To Heavy Single or 1RM)
Partner up, and going from rack. Be aggressive coming out of the hole. Dropping bar when heavy, if needed. BE CAREFUL. Go heavy but this is merely to prime the CNS for metcon.
Jackie (Time)
For Time:
1000m Row
50 Thrusters, 45#
30 Pull-ups
Should be all-out sprint. Thrusters need to be light and able to be done in big sets. Women use #35 barbell.