Widespread CrossFit – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
200 Meter Row.
Then with a band:
20 Banded Pull-aparts (overhead)
5 Yoga Push-ups
10 Scorpions (total)
20 Banded Pull-aparts (front)
5 Yoga Push-ups
10 Reverse Scorpion (total)
Close Grip Floor Press (10-8-6-4)
The purpose of today’s floor press work is to train the lockout and triceps. Grip is inside shoulders. Weight should be around 60%, 70%, 80%, 85% of 1RM. Repetition and total volume is a lot higher today so make sure you have a spotter for all sets and control the eccentric (negative) of each repetition. Score will be weight of last set of 2. Rest 90 seconds between sets. Superset with 8 KB Rows.
Metcon (Calories)
Every 3 minutes for 8 Rounds
1 Minutes Max Calories Rowed
100 Meter Farmer Carry (70, 53)
Today’s piece is mixed aerobic/GPP. Effort should be around 80%. Goal is to maintain a pace that can be sustained for all 5 rounds. Pick a KB weight for Farmer Carries that can be done UB. The score today will be the total calories rowed for all 5 rounds. RX+ Assault Bike.
Metcon (No Measure)
4 Rounds
8 DB Rows
8 DB Hammer Curls