Widespread CrossFit – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
8 Rounds
20s work/10s rest:
Single Unders
Front Banded Pull-aparts
3 Rounds
3 Shoulder Presses
3 Bent Over Rows
3 Barbell Curls
Push Press (15 Minutes To Work Up To Heavy Double or 2RM)
Build to a 2RM shoulder press in 6-7 sets. Have a plan in place to make logical jumps in weight. The goal is to match your previous 1RM but for 2 reps today. This should also help prepare your for the metcon.
Roundabout (Time)
21 Shoulder-2-Overhead (135, 95)
800 Meter Run
2 Minutes Rest
15 S20H (155, 105)
600 Meter Run
2 Minutes Rest
9 S20H (185, 115)
400 Meter Run
Rx+:(135, 95) (185, 115) (205, 125)
L3: (115, 75) (155, 105) (165, 105)
L2: (95, 65) (115, 75) (135, 95)
Loading is intended to challenge for each section, but completed in 2-3 sets max. Focus on being as efficient as possible with the S2OH. 22 minute time cap.