Widespread CrossFit – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
3 Rounds
10 Walking Lunges
10 Banded Good Mornings
5 Squat Jumps-2-Box
Squat Clean (2 Reps Every 60 Seconds For 3 Rounds)
2nd and final week of squat clean work (due to holiday next week). Weight should be at 80% of 1RM. Reset start position reps. These are not touch-n-go reps. Loading should be challenging, but you should be able to maintain perfect form on each set.
Squat Clean (1 Rep Every 60 Seconds For 3 Rounds)
Weight at 85% of 1RM
Metcon (No Measure)
5 Rounds
100 Meter Sled Pulls (BW)
20 Hollow Rocks
20 Supermans
Today’s work is a good chance to get in some GPP and core work. 2 athletes will share a sled but this is an individual workout. Each athlete will complete 5 rounds at their own pace. A good time frame would be every 5 minutes. Sled weight should be at bodyweight and 90% effort so resting as needed between rounds. 25 minute time cap.