Widespread CrossFit – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
High Knees
Butt Kickers
Jumping Jack Shuffle
3 Rounds
7 KB Sumo Deadlift
7 Russian Swings
7 Box Jumps
14 Deadbugs
Sumo Deadlift (3 Reps Every 60 Seconds For 6 Rounds)
Week 3 of speed work with the banded sumo deadlift. Use same band as last week, red or black.
Take 2-3 warm-up / work up to get to 65% of 1RM. Reset start position each rep. Focus on speed and perfect technique today.
Box Jumps (3 Reps Every 60 Seconds For 5 Rounds)
To be done from a seated position. Box height should be challenging but not max. Get feet off the ground as fast as possible.
Metcon (No Measure)
3 Rounds
8 Forward + Reverse Lunge Combo Each Leg
40 Second Weighted Elbow Plank
Holding light to moderate dumbbells by sides for lunges. Keep same weight for all sets of lunges. Increase weight for each plank. Rest 60 seconds between each round.