Widespread CrossFit – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
3 rounds
5 Romanian Deadlifts
5 Sumo Stance Deadlifts
5 Front Squats
5 Reverse Lunges Each Leg
5 Good Mornings
5 Bent Over Rows
20 Box Toe Touches
Box Squats (3 Reps Every 60 Seconds For 8 Rounds)
Today is week 1 of speed work with the Box Squat. Weight at 60% of 1RM. All sets should be perfect technique and fast / explosive off the box. Box height should be parallel. Stance should be wide enough (outside shoulder width) that your shins are vertical when you sit on the box. These box squats are intended to break up the phases of lift and force you to use their posterior chain.
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
AMRAP x 7 Minutes
3 Deadlifts (225, 155)
3 Box Jumps (24, 20)
6 Deadlifts
6 Box Jumps
9 Deadlifts
9 Box Jumps
And so on adding 3 reps each round….
Like all ascending ladders this workout will get harder as you progress so starting with a “conservative pace”. Deadlifts should be capable of being done touch n go for almost the entire workout.
L3: (185, 125)
L2: (155, 105)
L1: (135, 95)
Metcon (No Measure)
80 Banded Pull Throughs
Use green band