We understand that life can get crazy, making it tough to get in physical activity on a consistent basis. Just like anything important in life, you need to make it a priority by dedicating time and energy to it, so here are a few tips and tricks to help you get up and moving throughout the day, no matter what life throws at you!
Set an alarm!
As a reminder, set an alarm for every 90 minutes to get up from whatever you are doing and take a quick walk or do a few reps of bodyweight exercises, like jumping jacks, lunges or sit-ups. It does not have to long, hard, or complicated. Just move! If you do this throughout the day not only are you getting in some quality movement but also a pretty darn good workout.
Take an active lunch break!
After you are finished eating lunch (which is just as important in its own right), take 15-20 minutes to go for a walk. It doesn’t have to be long or fast just go for a stroll outside or around the office. This will break up your day and re-energize you for the afternoon, not to mention help with digestion.
Invite A Friend
Ask a friend, co-worker, or family member to join you. This way you can help each other stay motivated and accountable when life gets in the way. Not only will the physical activity be great for you both but we are all so busy we never take time to check in face-to-face with the special people in our lives.
We know you have a million things going on between work and family but for you to be the best version of you, as a parent, spouse, employer, employee, your health needs to be a priority! So take these tips and try to get a little more movement in this week! Let us know how it goes and how it feels!
-Kari Kirkendall, Nutrition Coach / Event & Media Director