Which one of these have you said to yourself in the last 6-months, year, or since having kiddos? I’m too old to get started? I don’t have enough time in the day to sneak in 30 to 60 minutes of exercise. I’m too out of shape to walk into the gym. I’m too tired after work. It feels too selfish to be away from the family. I’m not a morning person, afternoon person, or heck evening person. So many of us come up with excuses. As a mom of four, I used them all for over seven-years. Little did I know how much better I would have felt if I would have just made MYSELF a priority. No, it’s not selfish to schedule yourself into your calendar, heck it just might be the most important meeting you set each week. Here are my TOP 3 struggles that I overcame.
I totally understand busy! Being a mom of four kiddos, part-time coach, and someone who runs my own business, time is limited and planning out my day is important. When I think I’m too busy, I like to remind myself that we all are given the same 24-hours in a day…..It’s all about how we use that 24-hours. So many people have the misunderstanding that you need to workout five to six times a week. I was never a morning or evening person prior to joining Widespread Fitness. Now there is nothing better then getting to the gym early in the morning and back home before everyone is up for the morning. I found that if I wait until the end of the day to schedule my workout, it never fails that something will get in the way. As you plan out your week, add yourself to your calendar. When you visualize and see it daily, it will become apart of your routine.
I know your reading this and telling yourself, I feel too selfish for taking that much time away from my family. I use to feel that way until I realized how much taking care of myself improved my stress level at home and at work. I also found myself sleeping better and my weekly headaches were decreasing. Remember you need to ease into a workout plan, so start with two days a week, maybe 30 to 60 minutes. Slowly increase to three days. As a busy mom, I wanted to become a role model for my children. I wanted them to see me taking care of myself so they would learn healthy routines. Now as I head to the gym, even my little girls tell me to “Go crush it.” Overtime your ME time wont’ feel selfish, it will become everyday life, like taking kids to soccer, gymnastics, kids fitness classes, swim lessons and the list keeps going on and on.
Kids got sick, sport schedules have you feeling like an UBER driver, cooking so many more meals during this pandemic that you feel like a shorthand cook. Life can get busy! If you’re someone who starts off strong and once LIFE happens let’s everything fall apart, recognize that and make a promise to keep showing up. Find an accountability partner that joins you at the gym or find the right gym that people notice when you don’t show up. Having a community that celebrates your wins and knows when you aren’t around will help keep you showing up.
Life is never going to slow down. The timing will never be perfect to get started. The first step is getting started! We live in a world where we pack our days full of too many things and never slow down. The best thing to do is plan your week out on Sunday and set your workout days and times. Don’t cancel on yourself as it truly is the most important meetings you will set up all week long!
-Erica Erickson, Coach