How old / young are you?
43 yrs old
What is your occupation?
CEO of REP Fitness
When did you join Widespread Fitness?
Why did you decide to give Widespread Fitness a try?
I’d done CrossFit before and was currently at another CrossFit gym, but moved in with Kristen and started going with her. Fun fact: Kristen joined Widespread after I ran her and her friend through a basic CrossFit workout and they were basically bedridden the next day from soreness. Fun times!
What was your athletic background before starting?
I played soccer, baseball, golf, skiing, tennis, and a little bit of track growing up.
What changes in your health, physique, and overall performance have you seen since starting?
The biggest change lately has been going to the 6am class and just feeling calm and dialed in at work afterwards. It’s like a cheat code for focus. I’ve noticed an improvement in my strength and cardio capacity lately after increasing my days/week to 4 and increasing protein intake to .8-.9g/lb of bodyweight. PR’d deadlift and Cindy a week ago.
What advice would you give to someone with regards to starting?
If you’re just starting out, learn to find your limits to avoid injury. Don’t overdo it. I’ve been able to stay healthy because I know when to push the gas and when to let off, and that’s allowed me to keep training for a long time without a big gap from injuries.
What is your favorite and least favorite exercises / movement?
Favorite is deadlift. Least favorite is squats.
What is your most memorable moment so far?
Most memorable is when Kari yelled at me for going against her advice and using a weight too heavy on a metcon with an overhead lift, and she made me keep using the same dumb weight I chose, failing lots of reps when my shoulders were toast. I cried about it that night and still haven’t recovered.
What do you like to do outside of the gym?
Outside the gym I like to play golf and ski, plus spend time with my boys.
What is your favorite “cheat” food or meal?
Favorite cheat food is all of them. I’d be on 600 lb life if I had no self control.
What is something people would be surprised to know about you?
People might be surprised that I used to support myself playing online poker.
Who or what inspires you the most?
I am inspired by Arnold. Even though he’s made mistakes in life, his story of coming to the USA and persevering through adversity and people saying it couldn’t be done is inspiring.
What is one goal you would like to accomplish?
I’d like to get to a 1,000 lb powerlifting total and running a sub-6 min mile at the same time. Basically jacked and shredded. And if I can’t do that I’ll settle for a 6-pack.