Widespread CrossFit – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
2 Rounds
20 Jumping Jacks
15 Mountain Climbers (each side)
10 KB Thrusters (5 each arm)
Pull-ups (5 Sets of 10 Reps)
Pull-up options: c2b, kipping, strict, bar pull-ups. Scale up with 5 bar muscle-ups Shot to go unbroken. 60 seconds of rest between movements.
Weighted Sit-ups (4 Sets of 40 Sets Max Reps)
RX (20, 14) Scale weight as needed. Shoot go unbroken for 40 sec.
Metcon (Time)
Teams of 2
Row 1k
100 Walking Lunges
Row 1k
100 KBS (53, 35)
Row 1k
100 Burpees”
Split distance and reps between partners. One athlete works at a time.