Widespread CrossFit – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
200m Run
30 Double or Single Unders
20 Walking Lunges
15 Sit-ups
10 Push-up
15 Hollow Rocks
20 Walking Lunges
30 Double or Single Unders
200m Run
5 minutes soft tissue work: foam roller and/or lacrosse balls focusing on chest, upper back and calves
Metcon (No Measure)
EMOM x 10 Minutes
Evens: 20sec Hollow Hold
Odds: 20sec Kipping or Butterfly Pull-ups or Bar Muscle-ups
Use a band for pull-ups if needed.
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
In 5 Minutes Complete:
400m Run
Max Reps of Wallballs (20, 14)
2 Minutes Rest
In 5 Minutes Complete:
400m Run
Max Reps of Turkish Get-ups (53, 35)
2 Minutes Rest
In 5 Minutes Complete:
400m Run
Max Reps of Medball Cleans (20, 14)
2 Minutes Rest
In 5 Minutes Complete:
400m Run
Max Reps of Mtn Climbers (L+R=1)
Looking for a tough but consistent pace on runs, about 80% of max. On TGU and mtn climbers stay in control and get quality reps. Run scale: 500m Row. Score is total number of wallballs + medball cleans completed.